The Center for Fertility and Gynecology


Apr 6, 2012 @ 10:22 AM — by SEO Admin
Tagged with: Uncategorized

A Little Support Goes a Long Way

Struggling with infertility is one of the most difficult challenges a person may face in their lifetime. That challenge is made all the more difficult when faced alone. RESOLVE, (the National Infertility Association) is a countrywide, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting, educating and advocating for people with infertility. Resolve has a thriving chapter in Southern California with monthly support groups throughout the region. In fact, there are 4, peer-led, monthly support groups in Los Angeles County as well as 6 professionally-led groups.

By sharing their experience with others in similar circumstances, many patients report less stress and greater understanding of the fertility journey. Additionally, some believe that participating in support groups may improve ones chance for success!

Take a look at their website Because we all could use a little support!