PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) affects many women who are hoping to conceive. The Center for Fertility and Gynecology can help women suffering from PCOS become ovulatory through medication. We can then use one of a number of fertility treatments to achieve pregnancy.
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PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome. It's an ovulatory disorder. The importance is to understand that a patient doesn't need to have cyst or cysts in the ovary to be diagnosed with PCOS. There are different criterias to that we use to diagnose this condition, and one of them is called Rotterdam criteria. If a patient has two out of the three manifestation is diagnosed with PCOS. One of them is irregular menstrual cycle, having periods longer than 35 days. Second, if a patient has characteristics of large ovary with a lot of fluid size in the ovary, which where the eggs grow and third, if the patient has clinical or laboratory findings of increased androgen, we diagnose the patient with polycystic ovarian syndrome.
These patients, they have very good prognosis in term of fertility treatment and pregnancy outcome. What we need to help them with is to make them ovulatory. They come in, we give them medication, we make sure that they are ovulating and help them to get pregnant.