Dr. Vermesh: AutoImmune Infertility & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Dr. Michael Vermesh and Danica discuss memorable stories collected during 20 years of working together with IVF patients previously labeled as “tough cases”. Using old school IVF protocols and low doses of medication may offer women diagnosed with Advanced Maternal Age, Premature Ovarian Failure, or Diminished Ovarian Reserve, the chance to create a successful pregnancy where other protocols and approaches have failed. Dr Vermesh explains the value of looking at “the whole person” (viewing patients holistically in terms of their stress levels, relationship, overall health and emotional state), can put patients at ease while creating the feeling of working together as a babymaking team. The role of the immune system in reproductive medicine is highlighted in this episode; because it’s another area where treatment can make all the difference in creating a successful outcome. It can be difficult to predict or properly diagnose autoimmune issues that affect fertility because certain immune markers may not become elevated until fertilization and implantation takes place. Dr Vermesh explains how he is using a simple infusion of Intralipids to reduce the number of pregnancy losses, by reducing an overactive natural killer cell response.